Round Your Shoulders In Paschimottanasana.

There is a stigma in yoga that plus size, thicker, rounder people can’t bend as well or in fact do yoga at all.  I know, I know any Yogi or Yogini reading this is going to automatically say, “That’s crazy!  Why did you just state that?!?! Yoga is for everyone, why did you just say this!?!?!” I said it because it’s true.  I hate that it’s true, but it is.  I personally have to dealContinueContinue reading “Round Your Shoulders In Paschimottanasana.”

Pour me a drink and come natarajasana with me!

“Are you ready to start your yoga journey?…….Do you need any special modifications during class?…..You’re not exactly what we are looking for, for our studio.  Thank you for your time…..Is this your first yoga class?…”  These phrases and questions are ones I hear frequently before or after I take a class…..when I meet a fellow yogi for the first time…or when I apply for yoga jobs.  Of course no person or studio will actually sayContinueContinue reading “Pour me a drink and come natarajasana with me!”

Look through your third eye and tell me what you see…

“Take a nice deep inhale and cleanse the body with an exhale….Open up your heart chakra and let the love flow into it….Focus your third eye on a warm beach, feel the wind in your hair, let the sun kiss your face, and completely immerse yourself into this new reality….Float your thumbs to third eye center, bow, and say namaste…”  These cheesy words and strange phrases are how I make a living.  I talk aboutContinueContinue reading “Look through your third eye and tell me what you see…”