When someone doesn’t like your class…

Waking up and enjoying your morning coffee, answering some emails, and enjoying the morning breeze.  As you are answering emails and all that jazz you stumble a crossed one that says your class was not what they were looking for and they will not be attending anymore of your classes.  Yes, this does happen to everyone that teaches yoga.  No, not anyone is going to love you a 110%.  Don’t worry, this is very normal!ContinueContinue reading “When someone doesn’t like your class…”


Hello Everyone!  I hope you are all having a wonderful day!  I am inviting you all to join me for my live stream TODAY MAY 2nd through PowHow.com at 9am CST.  The live stream will be an all levels, beginner friendly, and all sizes and ages yoga class!  AND THE BEST PART IS IT IS ONLY $4!  If you are interested Click HERE to register. CAN’T MAKE IT TO THE LIVE STREAM? NO PROBLEM PURCHASE THE VIDEOContinueContinue reading “COME TO A YOGA LIVE STREAM!”

Busy Bees Make All The Honey

My weekly mediation to help heal my mind and soul.

It’s all about balance….

How do you achieve balance in a world of chaos when there is no room for error or time off?  Hello Yogis, I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!  The past week has been quite interesting; from hurting my back to wanting to sleep all the time, and trying to act normal when I am no normal at all!!!  So, while I was on the struggle bus of life this week I was tryingContinueContinue reading “It’s all about balance….”

Schools out FOREVER!?!?!?

READERS, BLOGGERS, AND YOGIS ALIKE!!!!  I have some news that will knock your socks off!!!  After 6 years of schooling I am finally DONE!!!  Those who are just tuning in, here’s a little more information about my schooling adventure.  For the past six years I have been a college student.  I have gone to school for my Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Yoga certification, and now Certificate in Therapeutic Massage.  During my schooling career I haveContinueContinue reading “Schools out FOREVER!?!?!?”