Your Shadow Is Everywhere.

It’s been six years and your shadow is everywhere.

Happy Birthday Brother Bear!

Everytime June comes around I am reminded of the kind and wonderful human my brother was and how he impacted my life and many others.  My brother Johan was born on June 4th, 1988, three years before I was born, and was the apple of my parent’s eyes.  He was an active little dude always running around or doing something and this didn’t much change at all really when he was alive.  Well, the littleContinueContinue reading “Happy Birthday Brother Bear!”

A Supermoon, the month of February, & Fibromyalgia walk into a bar…….

Why does February and my fibromyalgia go together?

A much needed break…

When life kicks you in the ass….

When someone doesn’t like your class…

Waking up and enjoying your morning coffee, answering some emails, and enjoying the morning breeze.  As you are answering emails and all that jazz you stumble a crossed one that says your class was not what they were looking for and they will not be attending anymore of your classes.  Yes, this does happen to everyone that teaches yoga.  No, not anyone is going to love you a 110%.  Don’t worry, this is very normal!ContinueContinue reading “When someone doesn’t like your class…”