Your Shadow Is Everywhere.

It’s been six years and your shadow is everywhere.

Happy Birthday Brother Bear!

Everytime June comes around I am reminded of the kind and wonderful human my brother was and how he impacted my life and many others.  My brother Johan was born on June 4th, 1988, three years before I was born, and was the apple of my parent’s eyes.  He was an active little dude always running around or doing something and this didn’t much change at all really when he was alive.  Well, the littleContinueContinue reading “Happy Birthday Brother Bear!”

A Supermoon, the month of February, & Fibromyalgia walk into a bar…….

Why does February and my fibromyalgia go together?

A much needed break…

When life kicks you in the ass….

There’s No Rest For The Wicked

Life tends to get in the way of life….Sounds silly, but it’s true!!!  From being in school to going to the BeHealthful Retreat to working to than sleeping.  This has pretty much been my life for the past month.  Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for all of the great opportunities, but it can be a bit tiring running around all the time.  But, hey isn’t that how life works? We get throwContinueContinue reading “There’s No Rest For The Wicked”