Revamp The Restorative

Humans are creatures of habit.  We hate change, don’t like to be uncomfortable, and (well in America) we want things NOW!!! Which is not wrong…..our brain chemistry (survival method) tells the rest of our body once we are comfortable we should not change anything because that could eventually lead to us not surviving.  So, when you look at this as a survival mechanism humans hating the idea of change is an understandable thing.  With thatContinueContinue reading “Revamp The Restorative”

Coffee, Yoga Mat, and Your Home

“Life moves to fast, if you don’t stop to look around you might miss it.” -Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Since the death of my brother life has just passed by….not stopping to say hi…..not taking into consideration how I am feeling or how my family is feeling.  It just keeps flying by.  Hours turn into days and days turn into weeks….work continues, school goes on, and life rolls on.  My brother would not want lifeContinueContinue reading “Coffee, Yoga Mat, and Your Home”

The Week Of Sickness = Corpse Pose for Seven Days Straight

Hello Everyone, I hope you are having a lovely, relaxing, and HEALTHY weekend….a huge emphasis on the healthy part, because I have been sick for about the last five days straight.  No, it isn’t Ebola or the Measles or Strep Throat….it’s just a nasty head cold virus that has to work its way out.  I’m at the stage of the cold where I don’t have a voice and I’m hacking up a bunch of stuffContinueContinue reading “The Week Of Sickness = Corpse Pose for Seven Days Straight”

Zen Up & Shape Out?

As the end of 2014 comes to a fast close (in a few days) we (as a society) start to notice the different highlights of the year.  Maybe you try to find one word to summarize up your feelings/experiences/changes that have occurred throughout the last 365 days.  Or, maybe you look to the year 2015 start to plan the year out.  Figure out your New Years Resolution….which could be anything from the gym, to findingContinueContinue reading “Zen Up & Shape Out?”

When In Doubt…..Side Plank It Out.

When life gives you lemons you make lemon favored vodka.  Not the most yoga think to say but, sometimes life throws us curve balls and all we can do is run after the ball and try to catch it.  For example with me bad things happen in threes.  Which is never a good thing….. so every time these three bad things happen I never think…”Oh I can’t wait for this learning experience to happen soContinueContinue reading “When In Doubt…..Side Plank It Out.”