I Choose…….?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8e5VTlzXgU On our journey through life we have different experiences. We find love, find loss, find success, and find failure. We have a lot of firsts along the way as well….first crush, first date, first love, first kiss, the first time you had sex with someone, being heart broken for the first time, first job, first fight….and many, many more. During the time a first happens we are usually really happy or really sad. InContinueContinue reading “I Choose…….?”

Inhale Light & Exhale Darkness

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVDad6JtjYQ Ever had that moment where you are able to get into that certain pose you have been working on for the longest time? Remember how you felt? Do you remember everything about that day? Well, I had that moment a few weeks ago with dancer’s pose. I filmed a vlog about it a few days talking about my experience. So, please watch the video and subscribe if you would like. I will have aContinueContinue reading “Inhale Light & Exhale Darkness”

Yoga For One?

Any yoga teacher knows the feeling when no one shows up to your yoga class.  It’s disappointing, annoying, & heartbreaking. You immediately think,  “No one likes me anymore….. Maybe everyone thinks I’m awful at teaching…..or in my own personal case I think….. It’s because I’m fat. ”  First, I know I’m not fat I’m thick and deliciously attractive looking.   But, the thought still crosses my mind in certain situations.   Well, I didn’t have anyone showContinueContinue reading “Yoga For One?”

With Each Exhale Let Any Unwanted Thoughts Melt Off Your Body.

Stress, stress, & more stress…..Every person deals with stress….it’s a daily part of life….but for people like me or people who have medical issues it can be hell on earth.  Stress makes my body swell up, my joints tighten, and my sanity leave completely.  It becomes extremely hard to control and my body feels like the it is revolting and killing itself.  Violent? Yes, all the violence….but unfortunately it’s my life.  But, there are someContinueContinue reading “With Each Exhale Let Any Unwanted Thoughts Melt Off Your Body.”

Rock N Roll, A Slow Vinyasa Flow, & Let’s Get Personal…Really Personal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7WYn3vmE9Y This week is all about new things for me, myself, my yoga practice, & just life in general. So as you see in this post I added a video to it. This week I decided to combined my two loves which are Yoga & Music. I have been singing since I could talk….but, I knew that a career in singing was not going to be possible when all the health issues I have started….andContinueContinue reading “Rock N Roll, A Slow Vinyasa Flow, & Let’s Get Personal…Really Personal”